• Criminology is the study of crime, criminal justice, and its relationship with society; it dominates national and world news reports and is a constant feature in entertainment media.
  • This degree prepares applicants for a range of exciting career paths focusing on criminal justice and the treatment of victims and offenders. They will explore the true nature, extent and causes of crime, along with the methods used to manage crime and criminal behaviour.
  • The experienced teaching staff will take them through key criminological theories, applying them to their understanding of crime, the experiences of offenders and victims in the criminal justice system, and the ways in which society constructs crime problems and responds to criminal behavior.
  • The varied expertise of the teaching staff allows them to explore these themes from a range of perspectives.
  • They will also be supported by a range of criminal justice professionals and agencies, who teach on the course and provide volunteering and networking opportunities to help prepare them for their careers.