• Master of Science in Petroleum Geoscience at the University of London is a 2 years program.
  • It is a distance learning program offered on a full-time basis.
  • The MSc is developed by Royal Holloway at one of the UK’s leading centers for Earth Science research.
  • This program comprises 6 modules. To complete the MSc, students take an independent research project.
  • Students also undertake a two-week fieldwork trip in the UK, learning from some of the most advanced minds in the field.
  • The program is offered online and is fully supported by a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). 
  • Students will study two modules per academic year that will need to study for approximately 20 hours per week during the academic session (October to March), and allow preparation time for exams in June.
  • The core modules are assessed by a single written exam (80%) and one or more individual assignments (20%).
  • The project is assessed solely by a report.
  • This program provides the opportunity to study this program anywhere in the world and receive a fully accredited University of London degree.
  • Petroleum Geoscience graduates are successful industry professionals who can work at a senior level in oil companies, geoscience IT, consultancy, and academia.