• Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance at the University of London is a 3 years program.
  • It is an online, distance learning program offered on a full-time basis.
  • In this program, students have to complete 12 courses for the Standard Route or 9 for the Graduate Entry Route.
  • The courses are taught by LSE faculty and complement the content of this degree.
  • Each module is assessed by an unseen written exam, which is usually held in May or June. Students can sit their exams at any approved center around the world. 
  • Students will also have access to a significant range of online resources, including a fully supported Virtual Learning Environment and online library.
  • The exam is set and assessed by academics at LSE, ensuring that a student’s degree is of the same standard as those studying on-campus in London.
  • University will provide the core study materials that need to complete the program. These include a Programme Handbook of practical information, subject guides.
  • It also provides the flexibility to complete the program in a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years.
  • This degree will prepare students for a career in areas of professional accountancy, investment banking, investment analysis and management, management consultancy, and financial management, as well as for more advanced academic study.