Take your first steps towards a fulfilling future in health and social care. ThisÊ degree fromÊUniversity of Derby will give you the skills, confidence and experience to make a positive difference to peopleÕs lives and wellbeing.

Health and social care is all about supporting people Ð working flexibly, creatively and confidently to address the needs of individuals, families and communities. This highly practical course equips you for a career in a sector which offers immense personal satisfaction.

Versatile, adaptable and skilled health and social care professionals are in demand like never before. At a time when people are living longer with increasingly complex needs and a growing number of services are provided in the community and at home, roles and practices within the sector are changing rapidly.

The focus is on how we can enable and support vulnerable people to live independent, active and healthy lives, and how we can respond effectively to the needs of their families and carers.

YouÕll cover the profession from a holistic standpoint, exploring policies and trends, social and psychological approaches, and critical issues in adult and childrenÕs care.


Our emphasis is on nurturing versatile and flexible health and social care professionals who are not restricted by boundaries and who can work in multi-professional teams. This degree equips you for rewarding roles in areas such as:

  • Local authority, NHS and multi-agency teams working with children, young people and adults
  • Homelessness and social housing services
  • Refugee and asylum-seeker support agencies
  • Appropriate adult and advocacy work
  • Health promotion services
  • Community mental health teams
  • Intensive family support teams
  • Residential and nursing care management
  • Commissioning and care management teams
  • Care co-ordinator management

Graduates of the course are now carving out successful careers in organisations across the independent, statutory and voluntary sectors. Some have chosen to move directly into working with vulnerable people within the NHS, adult and childrenÕs social care services, while others have progressed into strategic management and leadership positions to develop improved services for individuals, families and communities.