The MSc fromÊGlasgow Caledonian UniversityÊwas designed by senior industry practitioners and leading academic experts. It is delivered by a teaching team experienced in delivering project management expertise spanning all five continents.

Study full-time towards and elite and highly relevant credential for international project managers.

Prepare for success as a professional project manager by acquiring the tools to deliver high-quality projects on schedule, on budget and according to scope. You'll also master the skills to manage projects across international borders.

  • Learn how to work with both local and global players in a multinational environment
  • Practise navigating diverse cultural, social and economic settings
  • Develop skills in project management, project economics, construction management, risk and value management and international project finance

You'll develop meaningful knowledge and skills that are highly relevant to the real-world challenges faced by communities across the globe. You'll be able to help build a more successful, sustainable society, making a positive impact and contributing to the common good.

Graduate prospects

Demand for expert project professionals is growing rapidly as more companies around the world adopt a project management culture. Since GCU's MSc International Project Management is aligned with global accreditation standards, you'll be well-prepared to launch a rewarding career in the region of your choice.