Recent data and predictions on the forthcoming rate of urbanisation make cities the most common living environment of the future.

What kind of life will it be for the seven billion people who will live in existing or developing cities? Cities hold tremendous potential, but at the same time are sources of stress, inequalities and pollution. We're working to improve cities to better support fulfilling and diverse lifestyles.

This course is designed for practitioners and students to enhance their understanding of the city as a complex and dynamic system.

While your focus will be on physical planning and the design of urban spaces and buildings, the various influencing factors that affect form will also be considered.

The major topic is the European metropolis, or city region, within the context of globalisation. YouÕll learn to develop appropriate strategies for sustainable urban development. This will encompass social, political, economic, environmental, architectural, aesthetic and psychological aspects.

YouÕll study

Your course is delivered through studio work, lectures, seminars and a research project.

The studio involves work on the design of a complex urban area. This includes the levels of the entire city, the neighbourhood and the individual public space defined by urban architecture.

The course is strongly linked to the Urban Design Studies Unit's research agenda. All that is taught in both classes and studio is based on our excellent research record and helps advance it.

The department is in a partnership board with the department of Urban Studies at Glasgow University. Its renowned teachers and researchers contribute a real estate and policy and practice overview to the course.



There are two fully-networked design studios; one dedicated to student self-study, the other to interactive design teaching.


In addition to the main University library, we have our own, on-site, reference library. Our collection is developed in direct response to the teaching delivered in the department.