Why this International Banking and Finance course from University of Strathclyde?

YouÕll develop the concepts and skills required by financial managers and financial analysts working in the international banking sector. YouÕll also gain an understanding of contemporary financial problems and issues facing international business and banks.

The programme will provide you with:

  • a good understanding of financial theory and analysis
  • an appreciation of the nature and functioning of financial markets and institutions
  • a good working knowledge of accounting information and its use in financial decision-making and analysis
  • an ability to apply the analysis developed in the course

YouÕll study

The taught component of the course is covered in the first two semesters. The research project will take up the third (summer) semester.

Core subjects include Principles of Finance and Accounting & Financial Analysis. Elective subjects include Topics in Corporate Finance and Financial Management for Banks.


StrathclydeÕs Business School is one of the largest institutions of its kind in Europe. We've around 200 academic staff and more than 3000 full-time students.

The departments and specialist units work together to provide a dynamic, fully-rounded and varied programme of specialist and cross-disciplinary postgraduate courses.

The MSc International Banking & Finance has been accepted into the CFA Institute University Recognition Program. This status is granted to institutions whose degree program(s) incorporate at least 70% of the CFA Program Candidate Body of Knowledge (CBOK), which provide students with a solid grounding in the CBOK and positions them well to sit for the CFA exams.


This course is suitable for those intending to develop their careers in finance, broadly defined as:

  • corporate finance
  • security analysis
  • portfolio management
  • options and futures
  • treasury management
  • the functioning of financial institutions and markets
  • financial decision-taking in the public sector