Studying the BA Spanish and Economics at The University of StrathclydeÊwill give you the chance to become a fluent linguist and, with our year abroad programme, an opportunity to experience living, working and/or studying in another country.

Following the recent global economic crisis, economics is more important and relevant than ever. Decisions on money, banking, interest rates, taxation and government spending affects us all, with global consequences.

Economics aims to understand the activities of the different agents in the economy Ð consumers, producers and the government Ð and how they all fit together.

Our degree will give you the ability to explain complex data in simple terms to different audiences. YouÕll also develop excellent mathematical, statistical and problem-solving skills.


Modern language graduates are in high-demand across a range of areas. Some language graduates become teachers or translators, while others work in multilingual or international environments. Many of our students now work in journalism and broadcasting.

Economics graduates are employed in a wide range of areas, including the Government Economic Service, management, investment analysis and media outlets.