The BA Human Resource Management and Psychology course at The University of StrathclydeÊcovers areas such as recruitment and selection, training and developing and managing conflict at work. These are an important part of the management process in all organisations.

In Psychology, youÕll study human behaviour. Psychological research is motivated by the desire to understand both general behaviour (how we learn, remember, co-ordinate our actions and interact with others) and the reason for the differences between individuals such as personality or intelligence.

A joint Honours degree is not accredited for the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership by the British Psychological Society.


Your people-management skills and specialist knowledge will really broaden your career prospects. A degree in Human Resource Management from Strathclyde is valued by employers.

Our HRM graduates find jobs in insurance, retail, manufacturing, recruitment consultancy and in the public sector. Some are employed in jobs such as HR trainee, HR assistant and recruitment consultant whilst others are employed in general administration and management.