Studying the BAÊHuman Resource Management and Hospitality and Tourism Management at The University of StrathclydeÊopens doors to the largest and fast-growing sector of the economy.

This degree will prepare you for leadership roles in this dynamic industry which generates £5 billion to the Scottish economy and creates 1 in 10 jobs. YouÕll have the skills to manage operations and business across a range of industries including hospitality, tourism and events.

Modern business is too complex to be covered by a single subject: modern managers need to have a broad outlook.

You choose basic classes in business and other disciplines, alongside the Business SchoolÕs Management Development Programme. YouÕll study a wide variety of subjects and create a curriculum to suit your interests and needs.


A degree in Human Resource Management from Strathclyde is greatly valued by employers. Graduates find jobs directly related to HRM while others go into broader business and administrative roles.

Our HRM graduates find jobs in insurance, retail, manufacturing, recruitment consultancy and in the public sector. Some are employed in jobs such as HR trainee, HR assistant and recruitment consultant whilst others are employed in general administration and management.