Studying the BA Spanish and Human Resource Management at The University of StrathclydeÊwill give you the chance to become a fluent linguist and, with our year abroad programme, an opportunity to experience living, working and/or studying in another country.

Human Resource Management (HRM) is about the relationship between employers and employees and the ways in which people are managed in the workplace.

This covers areas such as recruitment and selection, training and developing and managing conflict at work. These are an important part of the management process in all organisations.


Modern language graduates are in high-demand across a range of areas. Some language graduates become teachers or translators, while others work in multilingual or international environments. Many of our students now work in journalism and broadcasting.

Recent HRM graduates have found employment in insurance, retail, manufacturing, recruitment consultancy and in the public sector. Some are employed in jobs such as HR trainee, HR assistant and recruitment consultant while others are employed in general administration and management.