Studying the BA Spanish and Hospitality and Tourism at The University of Strathclyde will give you the chance to become a fluent linguist and, with our year abroad programme, an opportunity to experience living, working and/or studying in another country.

Hospitality & Tourism is the largest, and fastest growing, sector of the domestic and global economies, generating over £5 billion for the Scottish economy.

We will ensure that you develop the necessary skills to manage operations and businesses in areas including hospitality, tourism, cultural heritage, festivals and events.


Modern language graduates are in high-demand across a range of areas. Some language graduates become teachers or translators, while others work in multilingual or international environments. Many of our students now work in journalism and broadcasting.

The combination of practical and business skills developed by Hospitality & Tourism graduates offers an attractive proposition for employers. Recent graduates have been recruited into the hotel industry and the service sector with job titles such as graduate trainee, manager, restaurant supervisor and trainee accountant.