Marine engineering involves the systems and equipment onboard marine vehicles including:

  • design
  • construction
  • installation
  • support

ThereÕs a particular emphasis on propulsion and control systems.

High efficiency and low environmental impact of marine engines are the key factors in assuring economical operation and environmental protection in maritime transportation. This has important implications for both economic success and environmental impact.

The Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine Engineering (NAOME), a leading institution in Scotland, offers excellent teaching and research facilities in naval architecture, ocean and marine engineering, which expands your career opportunities in naval architecture, marine, offshore oil and gas industry.

YouÕll study

The programme consists of three components:

  • instructional modules
  • group project
  • individual project (MSc only)

Group project

YouÕll be part of a group of three to five people in Ôconsultant teamsÕ for 10 weeks addressing a practical engineering problem. YouÕll then have the opportunity to present the report to a panel of industrial experts.

This project will enhance your team working and communication skills. It also provides valuable access to industrial contacts.

It'll give you a good understanding of all aspects of research work. In addition, the technological study must be accompanied by a survey of the relevance and applicability of the findings to the maritime industries at large.

You'll learn efficient ways to gather information, to distribute workload and to delegate amongst the group, to analyse their results and to appreciate the broader implications of the whole project. In-depth technological studies will be accompanied by increasingly important competence in managerial skills, quality assurance and a sound appreciation of the economic, political, social and environmental issues crucial to professional success.

Individual project (MSc only)

MSc students will take on an individual dissertation on a topic of their own interest. The aim of the individual project is to develop your research skills and to combine many of the aspects learned from other modules within a specific topic. This'll be achieved by you carrying out work into a particular topic relating to your chosen theme and preparing a dissertation.