Why this Global Energy Management course from University of Strathclyde ?

The global energy system is undergoing a process of rapid change including:

  • escalating demand
  • constraints on supplies
  • increasing energy prices
  • regulatory pressures to reduce carbon emissions
  • changing demographics and patterns of energy use and supply

Industries, economies and societies face complex challenges and uncertainties that could become more extreme in the future. Both government and industry need to be able to understand and adapt to this changing context.

Through this course youÕll gain a rigorous analytical training and in-depth real-world knowledge of global energy systems. ThereÕs also hands-on training in the management of energy-related issues. Your training will help to give you an unrivalled edge in the energy job market.

This Masters degree is delivered by the Department of Economics.


The Strathclyde Business School is situated in a modern building in heart of GlasgowÕs city centre. ItÕs designed to meet the demands of both corporate clients and students. Our school is equipped with up-to-date computing and technology facilities, study areas and its own cafŽ.


Energy is the largest and most critical industry in the global economy today.

Employers are seeking out skilled graduates to work in the energy industry and related fields. As a graduate in global energy management, youÕll be well placed to manage the complex challenges facing the global energy system in the 21st century.

WeÕve designed this course to maximise the opportunities for industry engagement. YouÕll take part in industry events such as the Scottish Oil Club.

While on the course youÕll become Learning Affiliates of the Energy Institute. YouÕre entitled to free Energy Institute membership. Membership includes:

  • access to a wealth of energy related information
  • significant discounts to attend conferences and seminars
  • many opportunities to meet professionals across the energy sector