Why this course?

Our MSc FinTech is jointly provided by the departments of Accounting & Finance and Management Science where relevant expertise resides across all core competencies both in teaching and research. This is a transitional masters degree and we accept students from a variety of background who want a career is this area.

You'll gain a comprehensive skill set using a blended learning approach that combines theory, intensive practice and industrial engagement.

What youÕll study

The Financial Technology course at University of Strathclyde is 12 months full-time, with two semesters of classes followed by an MSc dissertation project during the summer.

The first semester is designed to give you the fundamental understanding of finance and analytical methods within the context of development in FinTech practice and application.

The second semester will extend your core skills, expanding your knowledge of analytics methods, deepening your understanding of information systems and enhancing your understanding of financial markets.

'Becoming an Effective Financial Technology Analyst is a class led by industrialists in partnership with academics concerned with FinTech problems. It lets you experience the practical reality of applying analytical methods in financial technology business. Working with industrialists on real issues presents a variety of challenges. For example, data may of poor quality, decision makers can be vague concerning their requirements or the analytical technique required may not be obvious as well as convincing industrialists of the merits of the methods would all be covered in this class. Your understanding will be reinforced by experience.

The final component of the MSc course will be a FinTech focused summer dissertation project. This can be completed either through a client-based project or a desk-based research project, depending on your interests. You'll submit your dissertation in September to complete your degree requirements.


The course will involve big data analytics using the UniversityÕs servers. Some of the content will involve interaction with the Bloomberg Trading Simulation Laboratory in the Business School.


The course is tailored to make the graduates eminently employable in this exciting new field that cuts across traditional disciplinary boundaries.

Research indicates that students with programming, data analytics and finance skills get premium starting salaries compared to graduates from any one of these disciplines.