• Physics is the fundamental science that underpins much of the technology we see around us. Modern communications, transport, and energy systems all originate from advances in our understanding of physics.
  • Physics course includes a wide range of research-informed modules, from optics and thermodynamics to quantum mechanics, microscopy, lasers, and nuclear physics.
  • BSc Physics course is recognized by the Institute of Physics (IOP) and prepares students for a challenging yet rewarding career in science.
  • In Year 1, students will cover the essential concepts of classical physics, such as optics, mechanics, electricity, and thermodynamics, along with the study of basic mathematical methods.
  • In Year 2, topics include quantum mechanics, solid state physics, microscopy, electromagnetism, statistical physics, advanced materials characterization and further mathematical methods and modeling.
  • Students will also take a work-based module.
  • In Year 3, they will undertake a research project based in theoretical/computational or experimental physics. They will also choose from a range of specialised topics in optional modules designed to provide deeper insights into physical science, such as astrophysics, nuclear technology, lasers, renewable energy, climate change, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, nanoscale modelling, and more!