• Students applying for this Political Science and International Relations degree at University of Birmingham will join the Department of Political Science and International Studies (POLSIS), a department that scores high in the National Student Survey (NSS).
  • Our students particularly enjoy the opportunities to hear from influential guest speakers about their lives in politics. Recent speakers have included Alistair Darling, David Miliband and John Bercow.
  • If you want to take advantage of a unique opportunity to be supported with a work placement opportunity as part of your final year, this course includes the opportunity to undertake a 'Professional Development' module as part of your optional module choices.
  • Throughout your time on the International Relations BA course, employability is a key area of focus. University of Birmingham help to make sure that you are employable through a range of department led and university wide initiatives which include:
  • Input from Professional Careers Advisers in your Curriculum
  • During the first year of your studies Careers Advisers from the University Careers Network team attend lectures in your course to support you with career planning from an early stage.
  • Professional development module
  • You will have the unique opportunity to take advantage of a work placement as part of your final year by undertaking the Professional Development Module as part of your optional module choices.
  • Careers Network
  • Careers Network is the University’s careers service. A dedicated careers team for the College of Social Sciences will be able to support you with making career decisions and planning your career, while you are studying.
  • Your Birmingham degree
  • Your Birmingham degree is evidence of your ability to succeed in a demanding academic environment. Employers target Birmingham students for their drive, diversity, communication and problem-solving skills, their team-working abilities and cultural awareness, and our graduate employment statistics have continued to climb at a rate well above national trends.