This multidisciplinary area is the study ofÊcomputational systems that use ideas and gain inspiration from natural systems.

The Natural Computation at University of Birmingham programme is a Masters degree by research. This means that you are taught core principles and then develop these skills by doing interesting, innovative research, supported by academic staff and peers. This is structured so that you learn how to plan, organise and manage your time; you learn what it is to be a scientific researcher; you help contribute to the development of new knowledge; you learn intellectual skills such as argumentation, exposition, and reasoning; and you develop as an individual by improving your communication skills, writing, collaborative working and creativity.


We have strong links with industry, especially through CERCIA, including Honda, BT, Thales, Unilever, GSK, Rolls Royce, etc. We encourage MRes students to carry out their research projects in collaboration with our industrial partners, and opportunities also exist for students to do their project work within a company.