We train our students for careers asÊeconomists or managers in commerce,Êindustry, banking, financial services or theÊpublic sector. This programme aims to equipÊyou with a range of methodological andÊproblem-solving skills and specialisedÊknowledge relevant for international moneyÊand banking.

TheÊInternational Money and BankingÊprogramme from theÊUniversity of BirminghamÊcomplements theÊMSc in Money, Banking and Finance, and, as with that programme, is of particular interest to those wishing to pursue careers in the financial sector. It provides you with an advanced knowledge of the related disciplines of macroeconomics, banking, international finance and financial markets.Ê

In comparison with the MSc in Money, Banking and Finance, there is greater emphasis on international banking and finance, and less on the acquisition of related technical skills.


Careers in Business is a dedicated service for postgraduate Business School students. WeÕll help you in all aspects of your career management, from planning your job-seeking strategies, applying for jobs, preparing for interviews and assessment centres and developing your essential employability skills.Ê

At the start of your programme you will receive an email from our team, giving details of how you can access Careers in Business Online