Our staff include composers, performers and scholars. Our wide research expertise covers the Medieval, Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods, 20th and 21st Century music, popular music, music analysis, music psychology, critical theory, electronic music, British music, ethnomusicology and sound studies. Postgraduate students will experience the latest research in music via our regular seminar series featuring leading scholars, composers, and performers. They will also have the opportunity to present their own research to fellow students and staff in our informal 'research lunch' series.

You can study Musicology from University of Birmingham on campus or by distance learning. Please note that if you are studying with us by distance learning, the programme includes a fully-funded annual visit to campus for each full year of your programme (every two years for part-time students).


You will have opportunities to: meet employers face-to-face at on-campus recruitment fairs; attend employer presentations and skills workshops; receive individual guidance on your job applications, writing your CV and improving your interview technique; and access to comprehensive listings of hundreds of graduate jobs and work experience opportunities.