The results of unsustainable human development in the 21st century are evident as climate change, species extinction, pollution, poverty and inequality become inescapable global realities. The next big challenge for society is to transform our economy to incorporate the principles of sustainability. This presents an exciting opportunity to rethink, redesign and rebuild a positive future for business practice.

This programme will equip entrepreneurial minded graduates with two essential ingredients:

firstly, the mindset and ability to play a key role in building a sustainable world Ð one that is not only prosperous, but also environmentally stable and socially inclusive

secondly, hands-on experience, such that they can become entrepreneurs, business leaders, change-makers and innovators.

Careers and your future

Graduates from the MSc in Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Design offered by Brunel University Londonwill expect to:

  • Start their own green businesses as entrepreneurs and/or designer/innovators.
  • Become change-makers and leaders in existing businesses moving towards sustainability.
  • Join corporate institutions and public bodies (eg local and regional government, NGOs) as senior sustainability and environmental coordinators/managers.
  • Become advisers on sustainable business and policy, sustainable new product development and investment/funding within existing companies, or as consultants in new business ventures. The latter will include new 'green' product and service enterprises and sustainability service providers.