The MSc in Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Design (with Professional Development) offered by Brunel University London will equip entrepreneurial minded graduates with two essential ingredients:

  • firstly, the mindset and ability to play a key role in building a sustainable world Ð one that is not only prosperous, but also environmentally stable and socially inclusive
  • secondly, hands-on experience, such that they can become entrepreneurs, business leaders, change-makers and innovators.
  • Upon graduating, students will be able to become key figures in local, regional, national or global businesses; holistic thinkers and visionary leaders in their communities, corporations, businesses, non-profit organizations and government agencies.

They will be encouraged to infuse environmental awareness into societies and make tangible contributions to the theory and practice of environmental protection, sustainable business and a circular (green) economy.


The programme will gain employers recognition, because graduates will obtain qualifications and skills enabling them to deal with sustainability and environmental management issues which are now becoming important factors for all various types of businesses.

The move to a sustainable society is likely to see a transformation similar to that of digital economy with all sectors of the economy and industry responding to sustainable development and low carbon imperatives and targets, demanding both industry and public informed strategy and leadership.

Students who undertake the 6-month Professional Development will be given the opportunity to undertake a Professional Development Programme. This will include mentorship from leading entrepreneurs, business leaders, inventors and academics, intensive corporate exposure, and business start-up opportunities. Find out more by viewing the video below with Rodrigo Celorio Abundis, Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Design MSc, who talks about his work placement opportunity with the Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA).