You will learn about aircraft design aerodynamics, space mechanics, spacecraft design, propulsion systems and the role of flight simulation in aerospace at an advanced level.

Practical projects typically include the design, build and testing of a scale aircraft, computational fluid dynamics and structural analysis modelling of a critical aerospace component and flight performance evaluation using a flight simulator.


Although theÊÊcourse has a distinct specialist and technical flavour, the MSc also seeks to provide graduates with a raft of non-technical skills to enable them to realise their professional potential to its fullest.

To this end, the course provides modules that cover topics in strategic management, enterprise, research and innovation, as well as exploring issues that are of special importance to the future of the aerospace industry, such as safety, security, and sustainability.


Aerospace engineering is currently one of the key areas where there is significant industry demand to recruit well qualified engineers. This demand exists especially in the UK, but also in other European countries. Brunel's MSc Aerospace Engineering course aims to prepare students with the knowledge and skills to fulfil this burgeoning industrial demand.


Roles within the aerospace industry might include working in a broad range of areas including strategic management, enterprise, research and innovation, specifically research in safety, security, and sustainability which are of special importance to the future of the aerospace industry.