This Advanced Manufacturing Systems degree offered by Brunel University London is designed to address the challenges of modern manufacturing and enterprise systems. It covers a breadth of subjects that enables you to appreciate and deal with the complexities of modern industrial environments. YouÕll learn the latest techniques in manufacturing and systems engineering and work on real issues and problems given by our industrial partners.

Built on our world-class research and expertise, this degree addresses the full spectrum of subjects concerning advanced manufacturing including advanced design, manufacturing technologies including manufacturing simulation and robotics, sensors and measurements, data analytics, quality engineering management and supply chain management.

The course is developed with strong industrial advice and the appropriate balance of theory and practice. YouÕll be taught by a team of expert staff and industry collaborators and have access to excellent laboratory resources and facilities, including the latest engineering software tools.

Careers and your future

The in-depth knowledge and advanced skills acquired through this Industry 4.0 oriented programme will prepare you for various career positions and destinations. Our close project links with industry (e.g. Rolls-Royce, TWI and NPL) will further enhance your employability.

Our graduates are ready to become leading engineers, researchers, project leaders or entrepreneurs in manufacturing industry, research organisations and universities.