raduates who successfully complete this programme are eligible to apply for Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) registration.

The professional and academic elements are closely integrated throughout the programme. There are 170 placement days, with the working week divided between time in placement and time in the University.


This MA degree programme aims to provide high quality postgraduate social work education and training to equip students with comprehensive pre-entry skills to work in any agency employing social workers in the United Kingdom.

Although the statutory sector is the major employer, increasingly social workers are being recruited into voluntary and private sectors in a variety of service provision roles including community-based, residential or day care services in the UK and abroad.

The programme seeks to encourage the personal responsibility of students to function as independent learners and to develop a critical and reflective appreciation of the role of social work in society.

The curriculum provides teaching in both academic and practice elements, which are fully integrated at Brunel University London. It is designed to ensure that learning occurs in an incremental way, with learning outcomes that develop across levels enabling students to demonstrate progression in professional knowledge, skills and values through two years of study.


Brunel University London has strong partnership links with local authorities such as Ealing and Hillingdon and our post-graduate social work students have a track record of securing social work jobs with our partner agencies. Employers and Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE) coordinators regularly attend careers workshops where students are given intensive training in interviewing skills, presenting a comprehensive portfolio of work and being competitive in the social work market.