
The world of electronics is evolving so rapidly that the devices and techniques that are new today will be tools you are expected to understand and use by the time you graduate.

On this Electronic and Communications Engineering offered by Brunel University London youÕll learn about state-of-the-art technology and develop advanced level knowledge and skills in the design of complex electronic and communication systems, equipping you to work at the forefront of all the major areas of electronic engineering.

We aim to produce graduates who are part of a high-tech elite: professionals with specialist understanding and communication skills who have a solid knowledge of electronic engineering as a whole.


Whichever electronic engineering course you follow, you will have a wide choice of careers in mainstream electrical/electronic/microelectronic industries and in other engineering and Ôhigh-techÕ fields.

The majority of our graduates move into research, development or manufacturing companies Ð a choice many make when accepting sponsorship from a company Ð but opportunities do exist in most other professional spheres such as computing, medicine, finance, management and the media.

Careers and your future

Recent graduates have gone on to work for companies including the BBC, Virgin Airways, Siemens and a variety of design companies.