The BA Film and Television Studies and English degree offered by Brunel University London consists of both compulsory and optional modules. Modules can vary from year to year, but these offer a good idea of what we teach.

Film and Television Studies

You will study film and television texts from a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives.

You will develop the critical and technological vocabularies and theoretical frameworks with which to conduct close textual and contextual analysis.


The degree is designed to develop your ability to read texts in increasingly complex and diverse ways.

While we include modules from the Renaissance to the present day, our BA is so much more that a historical study of English Literature. Right from the start youÕll be introduced to a whole range of critical perspectives, approaches and contexts which will give you the tools to interrogate your reading. Ours is an exciting, dynamic, wide-ranging course with plenty of flexibility allowing you to follow your own individual tastes and literary passions.


Our BA Film and Television Studies equips you with a range of creative, conceptual and related skills sought by employers.

You will also develop your confidence and learn how to work independently and in teams Ð all crucial qualities sought in the contemporary jobs market.

Practical modules will give you a number of skills more specific to the film and television industries. A key contribution to strengthening employability is offered by our final-year work experience module that takes advantage of our wide range of contacts in the film, TV and related industries.

Combining your studies with English is particularly good for developing the transferable personal skills that employers prize in graduates. The degree emphasises imagination, independence of thought and intellectual flexibility.

We focus both on acquisition of knowledge and analytical skills. You will improve your ability to manage your own learning and will develop personal and collaborative communication skills.

Careers and your future

There are openings in the fields of journalism, publishing, research, critical writing, arts administration and programming. Our programme also provides a good basis for postgraduate study and the pursuit of higher qualifications in both theoretical and practical areas.

Film and Television Studies graduates have excellent employment opportunities and have gone on to work for the BBC, Granada Television and Ridley Scott Associates in roles as diverse as casting agents, researchers, production assistants and film officers.

Brunel English graduates have gone on to work in companies such as the BBC and Universal Studios. Many Brunel English graduates go into teaching; many into media-related jobs like publishing, marketing and journalism; and others into the business world as account executives, campaign organisers and consultants.