The BA in English offered by Brunel University LondonÊcovers all the major periods of literature from the Renaissance to the most recent publications in poetry, fiction and drama.

We aim to introduce you right from the start to a variety of critical perspectives, approaches and contexts rather than simply providing a chronological or historical study of English literature. Our first priority is always to inform, stimulate and support you.


English is particularly good at developing the transferable personal skills that employers prize in graduates. The degree emphasises imagination, independence of thought and intellectual flexibility.

We focus both on acquisition of knowledge and analytical skills. You will improve your ability to manage your own learning and will develop personal and collaborative communication skills.

Many Brunel English graduates go into teaching; many into media-related jobs like publishing, marketing and journalism; and others into the business world as account executives, campaign organisers and consultants.

Careers and your future

After graduation, students may enter one of the professions associated with English, such as journalism, publishing, advertising, teaching, the civil service or the media, but our students fit just as easily into many other career environments. From the outset we help you to develop career options based on interests and skills. The College also offers an optional work experience module in the final year.

Our graduates have gone on to work in companies such as the BBC and Universal Studios.