TheÊCreative Writing programmeÊoffered by Brunel University LondonÊis one of the oldest established in the UK.


You will be given a secure foundation in the techniques of writing fiction, theatre and poetry, and will be introduced to the idea of writing as a profession.

Within a sound academic environment, you will be able to develop your own creativity and explore different genres of writing under the guidance of experienced staff and practising writers of international standing.

Good writing and creative skills have never been more im

portant, especially for anyone seeking a career in the burgeoning creative industries field.


The mastery of language and the ability to research topics, process information and express ideas, all of which Creative Writing confers, are workplace skills which are highly valued by employers in many fields.

In your final year, you can opt to take a Creative Industries module to help you consider your career options and shape your future. Guest speakers include practitioners from book, magazine and news publishing, film and television, talent agents and career development consultants. Your CV is one of the most important pieces of creative writing you will ever produce and many of our students benefit from industry experience by joining internship programmes with your support.

Brunel Creative Writing graduates are now doing many wonderful things, including being successful novelists, corporate writers and academic researchers.

Careers and your future

This course is an ideal foundation for those wanting to move directly into the writing professions or the creative industries. It has been designed to develop confidence, skills and awareness in those who opt to follow one of our career-focused MA programmes.

We work closely with agents, publishers, producers and other key industry professionals. This means that you will get the best opportunity to understand the industries through which your writing will reach its audience. You will be given the best introduction to the writing professions through the career-focused Creative Writing and the Creative Industries module.

Graduates have also moved into publishing, journalism, advertising, television, films, business writing, public relations and teaching.

Past students have gone on to work in companies such as the BBC and Universal Studios, as well as publishing novels, having plays produced and screenwriting.