Engineering is constantly changing, and graduates often need to deepen their technical skills and understanding.

This course is especially relevant for mechanical and manufacturing engineers and technicians wishing to broaden their industrial and managerial skills. It is ideal for continuing professional development and updating technical skills.

You study eight taught modules drawn from a wide choice of technical and management modules. This gives you advanced tuition in areas of engineering tailored to your career needs such as design, manufacturing, materials, networking or electronics and telecommunications.

We emphasise applying knowledge to relevant workplace skills in areas such as

  • design, manufacture, electronics, telecommunications and information technology, networking and materials
  • core management disciplines of quality, finance and marketing and others

The international product development module involves working in multidisciplinary teams to design and develop a product in the global market.

This flexible course helps you to develop your career based your needs, and helps you on your path towards Chartered Engineer status.


By final examination, coursework and project reports