In this course, you'll undertake specialist research into a robotics field of your choice. You'll benefit from cutting-edge facilities in the Centre for Automation and Robotics Research (CARR), as well as from the advice and tutelage of leading experts. You'll graduate with excellent credentials in a particularly relevant subject.
As this is a research course, most of your work will be carried out independently. You will benefit from the support and expertise of your supervisory team; including a Director of Studies and a second supervisor who have specific interest in your chosen subject area. Common topics may include mechanics, electronics, sensing, computational intelligence, cognitive and developmental robotics and human-machine interaction technologies.
You learn through:
- Independent research
- Mentoring with your supervisory team
- Research training, including mandatory ethics and integrity sessions
- Teacher training
- Linux and ROS training
- Optional extra training in Matlab, OpenGL, Indesign, Illustration and After Effects