Undertake supervised research into computing and informatics. Study at the sector-leading Cultural, Communication and Computing Research Institute (C3RI). Research your chosen subject in detail, while acquiring new skills to do so.Benefit from supervision, resources and opportunities with excellent student satisfaction.

The MPhil Computing and Informatics course allows you to undertake research into a specific digital information context. In doing so, you'll join a dynamic community of researchers; 95% of the institute's research was rated as world leading in terms of its economic, social and cultural impact as of 2014. In 2017, our students returned sector leading student satisfaction scores.

Your supervisory team will include a Director of Studies and one or more second supervisors with expertise and interest in your research area. However, much of the work for your degree will be carried out independently, and you will need the initiative, motivation and commitment tosucceed.

Your supervisors will help you to define your researchprogramme, agree any associated training requirements, and provide directionwhile encouraging you to develop as an independent researcher.

You learn through:

  • supervised study
  • independent research
  • workshops
  • seminars
  • mentoring sessions