• The BSc in Biochemistry is a four-year course run by the School of Biology. Students are provided with high-tech equipment, laboratories and expertise to facilitate learning and to develop the skillset of a modern biochemist.
  • In the first two years of the degree, students will be introduced to core material relevant to all biology degree programmes such as animal and plant biology, molecular biology, cell biology and genetics.
  • Alongside biology, in the first year of their studies, they will be required to study an additional two subjects. In the second year they will usually carry on at least one of these subjects, sometimes two. 
  • In third year, there is a shift from core, broad-themed modules to more specialised modules that allow students to prepare for their Honours degree. In fourth year students continue specific research in their chosen area through student-led, inquiry-based learning.
  • The University of St Andrews operates on a flexible modular degree system by which degrees are obtained through the accumulation of credits.
  • Centres of research within the School of Biology offer students the experience of working alongside experts and the opportunity to develop their own research in Honours years.