• The BA (International Honours) is a four-year undergraduate degree that combines the best of the Scottish and American educational experience.
  • Both St Andrews and William & Mary offer a broad interdisciplinary approach to understanding global and international politics. At St Andrews, students select two-thirds of their sub-honours modules outside core international relations topics. At William & Mary, the programme covers modules from at least three departments: Government, Economics and History.
  • In their Honours years, students specialise in areas and topics in international politics that are of interest to them. These elective modules — covering all major world regions, trade, security, foreign policy, peace and conflict studies, international organisations, etc — are offered in a small class setting where students learn from experts researching on the topics they teach.
  • Both programmes also have their unique strengths, allowing students to design a truly unparalleled programme which builds on the specifics of North American and British approaches to international relations. Studying at William & Mary incorporates strong methodological training, while St Andrews’ strengths in international political theory and critical approaches encourage students to question their own assumptions about the world we live in.