• The BA (International Honours) is a four-year undergraduate degree that combines the best of the Scottish and American educational experience.
  • This programme offers an impressive range of modules that students can take without losing the depth of focus by following either a language or ancient history and archaeology pathway.
  • Working together, the classics departments from both universities offer a unique range of modules. For example, students are able to pursue coursework in Etruscan archaeology and Egyptology (at William & Mary) as well as modules in Late Antique and Bronze Age archaeology (at St Andrews): this unusual combination of modules is hard to find in any single department. The programme also provides Greek and Latin language students with a more flexible degree, one which can be tailored to your level of study between the two institutions. 
  • Undertaking a classics degree in both campuses will also allow students a wider range of postgraduate opportunities in North America and the United Kingdom. As a student on the programme, you will have the unique advantage of knowing the UK and US systems well should you wish to make postgraduate applications.