The University Department of Radiology is fully integrated into Addenbrooke's Hospital and students will work with both University and NHS specialists in their research area. Being able to work well as part of a team is essential, but students must also be self-motivated and have the initiative to pursue their research independently, albeit under the guidance of their supervisor.

In addition to the research training provided within the Department, as part of the Graduate School of Life Sciences students will have access to several other courses to widen their experience and to enable them to acquire or develop technical and practical skills.

ÊStudents are also likely to attend external meetings and conferences, and when their research is sufficiently developed they could be submitting research posters. In exceptional circumstances, a short verbal presentation may be possible, most likely supporting the supervisor.

Students are expected to attend the weekly Radiology Forum lectures which cover all imaging topics, and actively participate in the Department's fortnightly Journal Club. There are also many opportunities for students to attend lectures and seminars in the Department, Addenbrooke's Hospital, elsewhere in the Clinical School and further afield in the University.