This route, which is also the Faculty of Education's doctoral training programme, provides a broad-based training in educational research that aims to help students:

  • To become familiar with an appropriate range of intellectual and methodological traditions within the field
  • To become skilled and critical readers of educational research
  • To develop knowledge in depth of some substantive area of education and educational research
  • To develop their capacity to frame research questions and devise appropriate research designs
  • To develop confidence in using a range of both qualitative and quantitative approaches to gathering, analysing and interpreting evidence
  • To develop their skills in presenting research-based evidence and argument
  • To gain practical experience of educational research through conducting a small-scale investigation.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the programme, students will have:

  • a comprehensive understanding of research techniques, and a thorough knowledge of the literature applicable to their specific educational domain;
  • demonstrated originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in their field;
  • shown abilities in the critical evaluation of current research and research techniques and methodologies; and
  • demonstrated self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and acted autonomously in the planning and implementation of research.