The aim of ISMM is to equip numerate graduates with the academic skills, personal development and industrial experience to be immediately effective in their early careers in industry. ISMM is very different to any other academic course: it combines traditional academic teaching material with a series of industrial visits, industrial seminars, skills development and projects in industry. ISMM is a very intensive programme that gives direct experience of many different industries, cultures and working environments. In addition to the lectures, the projects present real challenges in genuine industrial and business environments.

The programme is structured around taught modules, company visits and in-company projects solving live business or technical problems. An overseas study tour offers a broader international context and the individual research thesis allows greater depth of study in a specific area of manufacturing.

Learning Outcomes

You will be learning by having concrete experiences, like lectures, company visits or projects. You will then be guided to reflect and review these experiences and afterwards to abstract and conceptualize these. Finally you will experiment actively with new ideas to start having new experiences.

The overall aim is for you to acquire throughout the year a working understanding of the fundamentals of a business enterprise, with a particular emphasis on manufacturing disciplines. You will visit a wide variety of companies, large and small, chosen to cover all industrial sectors; you will absorb the different cultures and learn to identify strengths and weaknesses.