Learning Outcomes

The pathway in Modern Middle Eastern Studies will equip its graduates with the skills and knowledge to research independently and effectively on aspects of Modern Middle Eastern Studies, using the methods of the Humanities and Social Sciences. They will have further developed their skills in reading Arabic, Hebrew or Persian source materials.Ê

Graduates will also be able to show a sophisticated understanding of the wider fields of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies and the ability to communicate their knowledge and their research findings effectively.


Applicants for the PhD will be expected to have scored at least 67 per cent or above (or the equivalent from an overseas University) in their master's degree, which should be related to the PhD programme they wish to pursue.Ê

All applicants should submit, via the Applicant Portal, a workable and interesting research proposal and demonstrate that they have the required academic knowledge and skills to carry out their project.Admission is at the discretion of the Degree Committee, which judges each graduate applicant on his or her own merits and in accordance with its own set rules and regulations.