The subject of the research project is determined during the application process and is influenced by the research interests of the studentÕs principal supervisor, ie students should apply to study with a group leader whose area of research most appeals to them.Ê

To broaden their knowledge of their chosen field, students are strongly encouraged to attend relevant seminars, lectures and training courses.At the end of the course, examination for the MPhil degree involves submission of a written dissertation (of 20,000 words or less), followed by an oral examination based on both the dissertation and a broader knowledge of the chosen area of research.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of their MPhil course, students should:

  • have a thorough knowledge of the literature and a comprehensive understanding of scientific methods and techniques applicable to their own research;
  • be able to formulate a clear and well-defined hypothesis;
  • be able to demonstrate originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in their field;
  • be able to critically evaluate current research and research techniques and methodologies;
  • be able to demonstrate self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems;
  • be able to act autonomously in the planning and implementation of research; and
  • have developed skills in oral presentation, scientific writing and publishing the results of their research.


The MPhil Medical Science degree is designed to accommodate the needs of those students who have only one year available to them or, who have only managed to obtain funding for one year, ie it is not intended to be a probationary year for a three-year PhD degree.Ê