The word limit for the PhD thesis is 60,000 and you will be examined orally on your thesis and on your related wider field of knowledge. Each student is assigned a principal supervisor and also an adviser who acts as a mentor and provides support. In addition, Dr Ann Kaminski (Head of Scientific Administration) acts as the first point of contact for any student with a query or difficulty that is not directly related to their scientific work. The students are provided with information which clearly sets out what is expected of them during their period of research in order to obtain their degree. All student matters in the Institute are overseen by the Studentships and Fellowships Committee and the wider engaging Cancer Biology Graduate Education Committee, both of which have the well-being of our students at heart.

All students are encouraged to attend lectures of interest both in the Institute and in the wider University. They are also expected to participate in journal clubs and lab meetings and to take advantage of the numerous and varied opportunities including transferable skills training offered by both the Institute and the University. Students are encouraged to attend scientific meetings relevant to their course of study. All students in the Institute are members of the student-run graduate society which organises regular scientific and social events.