The MPhil aims to provide research opportunities in the field of genomic science that reflect the unique nature of Sanger Institute science, with an emphasis on large-scale, high-throughput approaches and the development of a blend of wet-lab and computational skills.Ê

The Institute also aims to provide students with general research and transferable skills training in addition to training in their specific research area.Applicants will generally have a bioscience background, but applicants with a computational or mathematical background can also apply.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the MPhil, students will be expected to have acquired a detailed understanding of the relevant areas of genomics that underlie their research project, and written a thesis on their work (of not more than 20,000 words in length, excluding figures, tables, footnotes, appendices and bibliography). T

hey will also be expected to have attended courses or lectures on general research and transferable skills, covering subjects such as bioinformatics, statistics, ethics, research integrity, scientific writing and presentation skills, together with the InstituteÕs Graduate Student Lecture Series and student journal club.