CIMR welcomes applications from graduates to undertake research towards an MPhil in any of the labs based in CIMR. We admit those applicants who meet the academic admissions criteria and whose research interests match those of an available member of the academic staff who is willing to act as the student's supervisor. Applicants are encouraged to contact potential supervisors directly in the first instance, to discuss their application and funding possibilities. A list of CIMR PIs can be found on the CIMR website.

CIMR is also the admissions centre for the Department ofÊ Medical Genetics. Applicants wishing to undertake an MPhil with a supervisor based in the Department ofÊ Medical Genetics outside of CIMR should also apply to the MPhil in Medical Science (CIMR) course.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of their MPhil, students will have:

  • a comprehensive understanding of techniques, and a thorough knowledge of the literature, applicable to their own research;
  • demonstrated originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in their field;
  • shown abilities in the critical evaluation of current research and research techniques and methodologies;
  • demonstrated some self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems; and
  • acted autonomously in the planning and implementation of research.


Continuation from MPhil to PhD is possible although it is not automatic. All cases are judged on their own merits based on a number of factors, including evidence of progress and research potential; a sound research proposal; the availability of a suitable supervisor and of resources required for the research; and acceptance by the head of department and the degree committee.