Teaching and resources

Past and present Faculty members, such as Alfred Marshall and John Maynard Keynes, have played a major role in the subjectÕs development and several have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics (Sir John Hicks, James Meade, Sir Richard Stone, Sir James Mirrlees and Amartya Sen). The present Faculty remains committed to using economics to improve public policy and recent staff have been active on, among other bodies, the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England and the Competition Commission, and advise international agencies such as the United Nations, World Bank, IMF and OECD.

Other benefits for Cambridge Economics students include access to an extensive range of statistical databases and software, and the Marshall Library of Economics, which holds a comprehensive collection of books, journals and other papers in economics. The student-run Marshall Society organises social events and informal lectures from distinguished visiting speakers, such as the Governor of the Bank of England.

Careers and research

At Cambridge, you develop skills in understanding complex arguments, analysis of practical issues and of data, and effective communication. Such skills are valuable in many careers, but particularly in professional, financial and managerial occupations. They also provide an advantageous foundation for numerous Masters degree courses.

Many graduates go on to professional training in chartered accountancy, actuarial work and similar fields. Others are employed by financial institutions, or as professional economists in industry, government and management consultancy.