Our course encompasses the history, culture, archaeology, art, philosophy and linguistics of classical antiquity and the study of original texts and artefacts. You can either specialise in a particular field or retain the breadth with which the course starts.

Facilities and resources

The FacultyÕs facilities include a well-stocked library and our own Museum of Classical Archaeology. In addition, you have access to the holdings of the Fitzwilliam Museum, where some classes take place. ThereÕs a thriving student society and the renowned Cambridge Greek Play, produced in the original language, is regularly staged by a professional director. We also offer various undergraduate prizes, bursaries and travel grants.

Course Outline

During Part I, you have an average of eight to 10 lectures a week, and language classes as needed. You also have at least two supervisions a week in which you discuss your work.

In Part II, you may have Faculty seminars as well as lectures, while your College supervisions give you the opportunity to research essay topics of your choice in depth.

Assessment is by end of year exams, although in Year 3 you can substitute an exam for a dissertation.