Manufacturing Engineering gives you a thorough grounding in manufacturing technology and management, together with an understanding of the full range of activities involved from market analysis through product design and production, to sales and distribution, all set firmly within a financial and business context. As well as the engineering and business sides, you also acquire a sound understanding of the human issues of industry and develop people skills.

An international emphasis

The course includes an Overseas Research Project, when the whole group travels abroad to investigate an area of current relevance. Recent projects have looked at how manufacturing industry is emerging and evolving in India, and the Californian approach to industrial sustainability.


Lecture courses (taught papers) provide the academic framework for the subject, and are complemented by project work, industrial visits and a programme of personal and business skills development. Successful completion of the programme leads to the award of the BA and MEng degrees.


Our graduates are much sought after for demanding jobs, not only in manufacturing but also in other branches of engineering, consultancy and commerce, and indeed a whole range of unrelated fields. TheyÕre equally well placed to start their own companies, having gained a comprehensive understanding of how business works and having acquired contacts within a large number of national and international companies.