Biological Sciences (Hons) programme at University of Plymouth, focuses on biology of a wide range of environments from soils and the oceans to hydrothermal vents and volcanic lakes.

Study the whole spectrum of contemporary biology, on a course consistently praised externally for its outstanding teaching quality and well-constructed programme.

Gain theoretical and practical skills in the laboratory and dig deeper into the interplay between biology and real life so you'll graduate with the skills to immediately enter the world of work.

Experience practical biology in the real world with an optional work placement between your second and final year.

Build the knowledge, skills and practical awareness for a variety of careers.

Work with your personal and course tutors to develop key graduate skills to boost your employability.

Keep pace with the ever changing discoveries, insights and thinking in ecology, biodiversity, cell biology, animal behaviour and physiology.

Be inspired by staff who are leading the way in their subjects, carrying out research that turns heads worldwide.Ê

Boost your practical skills using our specialised facilities including controlled environment chambers, experimental glasshouses, and an electron microscopy unit.