The MPhil is a two year course. The second year is devoted to researching and writing a thesis of up to 30,000 words (either as a single monograph or two academic papers). ÊIn the first year, you will take the coursework associated with the MSc in Environmental Change and Management. This course has three overarching aims, to:

  • examine the nature, causes and impacts of major types of environmental change. How do these changes operate and interact on global, regional and local scales? How do they relate to critical social and ecological systems?
  • examine the economic, legal, cultural, and ethical underpinnings of environmental responsibility and systemic solutions, including mitigation, adaptation, remediation, enhanced resource stewardship and other sustainable responses to environmental change at different scales and within different organisational contexts; and
  • empower environmental leaders to address the worldÕs most pressing environmental problems through an understanding of and training in the key analytical and practical skills, and in a broad appreciation of earth systems and societies in relation to environmental change.