The PGCert in Veterinary EducationÊoffered at University of NottinghamÊis an exciting 12 month postgraduate certificate programme. ItÊis a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in pursuing a career in veterinary education or who wishes to broaden their skill set and enhance their employability.

Training in teaching methods, learning and assessment in the veterinary undergraduate curriculum is provided through an experiential programme supervised by experienced veterinary academics and will present opportunities for engagement with all aspects of veterinary education including curriculum development, assessment, teaching delivery and resource development.


Career destinations for our graduates include scientific researchers, secondary teachers, university lectures and university researchers.

Career prospects and employability

The acquisition of a postgraduate qualification demonstrates a high level of knowledge in a specific field. Whether you are using it to enhance your employability, as preparation for further academic research or as a means of vocational training, you may benefit from careers advice as to how you can use your new found skills to their full potential.Ê