The degree is constructed in the belief that the parallel study of these related disciplines can significantly enhance your understanding of each.

The Philosophy Faculty is the largest in the UK, and one of the largest in the world, with more than 70 full-time members and admitting around 450 undergraduates annually to read the various degrees involving Philosophy. Many faculty members have a worldwide reputation, and the faculty has the highest research ratings of any philosophy department in the UK. The Philosophy Library is among the best in the country. The large number of undergraduates and graduates reading Philosophy with a variety of other disciplines affords the opportunity to participate in a diverse and lively philosophical community.

The Mathematics Department, since 2013 housed in the new Andrew Wiles Building, is also one of the largest and best in the UK and contains within it many world-class research groups. This is reflected in the wide choice of mathematics topics available to you, especially in the fourth year.


Graduates secure positions in diverse occupational areas such as software development, teaching, research, the public sector, including the civil and diplomatic services, and journalism, both in the UK and abroad. Around 30% of graduates go on to further academic study.

Katherine currently works for the Bodleian Libraries. She found that the logical problem-solving skills and attention to detail she gained from studying mathematics came in useful when tackling new technical challenges in her work and whilst she completed a second masterÕs. The experience of studying both subjects so intensely, and having to pick up and apply new knowledge quickly, gave her the confidence to work with new subject areas, including legal and medical research libraries.